Side by side testing of the Derby Magic track and a BestTrack®

In April, 2011 we purchased a 3-lane, 35 foot BestTrack® to compare to our track. We tested it against our 3 lane, 32 foot Derby Magic track. We wanted to compare how consistent the two tracks were. We used 3 Pinewood Derby® cars that a local dad had made over the years with 
his sons. The cars were selected at random and were each weighted to 5.0 ounces.

We used a Derby Magic timer and the Derby Magic race manager software on each track.

The test format was as follows:
Each car raced 3 heats on the Derby Magic track, one in each lane.
Each car raced 3 heats on the BestTrack® track, one in each lane.
Each car raced 3 heats on the Derby Magic track, one in each lane.
Each car raced 3 heats on the BestTrack® track, one in each lane.
Each car raced 3 heats on the Derby Magic track, one in each lane.
Each car raced 3 heats on the BestTrack® track, one in each lane.

We set the testing up in this manner to minimize the impact of the cars degrading over several 
races so we would get a fair indication of what each track was doing.

A detailed listing of the results are below, but in-short, the race times on the Derby Magic track have less than half of the variability of the BestTrack® track. The Derby Magic track is faster than the BestTrack® track.

One of the test cars would not make it all the way down the track on the BestTrack® track in any heat.

The car stopped 3 to 5 feet short of the finish line in every race.  Imagine how disappointed that child would be. This was a data driven test, and the Derby Magic track is the better track.

The racing surface length of the two tracks are:
Derby Magic track              30.0 feet
BestTrack® track                31.5 feet

The racing surface of the BestTrack® is 5% longer than the Derby Magic track, but the times are more than 11% longer on the BestTrack®.  The longer surface on the BestTrack® does not make up for the longer race times.

Spending more money for a BestTrack® or other aluminum track will not buy a better track, it will just cost more.

Tests on the Derby Magic track
Car Num
Heat   Time          Place Lane                  LANE AVG.        LANE MEAN              LANE STD. DEV.         
    3        2.4175        1        1                        2.4137                2.4140                      0.00396
    5        2.4140        1        1                                                        
    9        2.4096        1        1                                                        
    2        2.4242        1        2                        2.4229                2.4242                      0.00611
    4        2.4282        1        2                                                        
    8        2.4162        1        2                                                        
    1        2.4062        1        3                        2.4141                2.4169                      0.00690
    6        2.4169        1        3                                                        
    7        2.4191        1        3                                                        
                                           TRACK AVG.     2.4169     MEAN  2.4169   STD. DEV. 0.00673

    2        2.6103        2        1                        2.6164                2.6185                      0.00537
    4        2.6185        2        1                                                        
    9        2.6204        2        1                                                        
    1        2.6201        2        2                        2.6158                2.6201                      0.01132
    6        2.6244        2        2                                                        
    7        2.6030        2        2                                                        
    3        2.6269        2        3                        2.6151                2.6122                      0.01069
    5        2.6061        2        3                                                        
    8        2.6122        2        3                                                        
                                            TRACK AVG.    2.6158    MEAN  2.6185   STD. DEV.  0.00826

    1        2.9666        3        1                        2.9406                2.9666                      0.09171
    6        2.8387        3        1                                                        
    8        3.0165        3        1                                                        
    3        3.1123        3        2                        3.2685                3.2933                      0.14535
    5        3.3998        3        2                                                        
    9        3.2933        3        2                                                        
    2        3.3082        3        3                        3.3286                3.3252                      0.02235
    4        3.3252        3        3                                                        
    7        3.3525        3        3                                                        
                                            TRACK AVG.    3.1792    MEAN  3.2933    STD. DEV. 0.20055

Tests on the BestTrack® track
Car Num
Heat   Time           Place Lane                 LANE AVG.          LANE MEAN              LANE STD. DEV.        
   3         2.6652        1        1                        2.6854                2.6688                        0.0320        
   5         2.6688        1        1                                                                
   7         2.7223        1        1                                                                
   2         2.6912        1        2                        2.6887                2.6912                        0.0090        
   4         2.6788        1        2                                                                
   8         2.6962        1        2                                                                
   1         2.6817        1        3                        2.6857                2.6817                        0.0071
   6         2.6814        1        3                                                        
   9         2.6939        1        3                                                        
                                           TRACK AVG.     2.6866   MEAN   2.6817    STD. DEV.   0.0171
   2         3.0882        2        1                        3.0912                3.0882                        0.0581
   4         3.1507        2        1                                                        
   9         3.0346        2        1                                                        
   1         3.0841        2        2                        3.1070                3.1143                        0.0202
   6         3.1143        2        2                                                        
   7         3.1225        2        2                                                        
   3         3.0605        2        3                        3.0514                3.0565                        0.0125
   5         3.0565        2        3                                                        
   8         3.0371        2        3                                                        
                                           TRACK AVG.     3.0832    MEAN  3.0841    STD. DEV.   0.0400

   1        9.9999        3        1                        Did not finish any race on the BestTrack®
   6        9.9999        3        1                        
   8        9.9999        3        1                        
   3        9.9999        3        2                        
   5        9.9999        3        2                        
   9        9.9999        3        2                        
   2        9.9999        3        3                        
   4        9.9999        3        3                        
   7        9.9999        3        3                        

BestTrack® is a registered trademark of SRM Enterprises, Inc.